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Showing posts with the label Pitra Dosha and Business


Pitra Dosha and Business Ethics: There many connections to our life and death to the ethics maintained by us in our business. Here are the expectations of the every humans. 1. Wanted to live healthy and comfortably till the last day of our life. 2. Never to remain isolated from the immediate family members @ don't want to spend the aged life in a home or orphange. 3. Want to live with diginity and respect. Don't want it to be abused by their own family members. 4. Don't want to experience a slow and painful death @ bed-ridden life. 5. Don't want to undergo the agony of death. 6. Don't want to face sudden or terrible death. When a Person dies, his/her soul will be taken to the "Pithru Logam" meaning World of Dead Ancestors. The Journey to the Pithru Logam commences on the 13th day from the date of death and ends on the exactly one year from the date of death. Hence the Journey would go on for nearly 12 months. During this journey, the soul ...


There are many ethical issues involved in the business. But now a day, there are some systematic efforts to recognize the unethical Practices as of “Best Business Tactics”. Even Colleges have added some unethical practices as the Best Marketing Strategy. Let us first see, what are the ethical & unethical issues involved in the Business Activities. 1.        Paying bribes to get things done. 2.        Supplying sub-standard quality with full knowledge about the issues involved in it. 3.        Under valuation or Over Valuation of a Product. 4.        Deficient Quantity of agreed materials. 5.        Colluding with someone to swindle or defraud an individual or a business. 6.        Spreading false hood about a product or an enterprise owned by others. 7.   ...


The Profession of Cooking is considered as "Noble", because they indirectly help others by feeding them. Hence they have greater responsibilities while performing these tasks. Failure to do so under some motivation, would take them directly to the courtyard of Pitra Dosha. Let us see the reason behind this type of Pitra Dosha. Cooks are expected to cook foods in the same manner as they do it for their own consumption. 1. If the food is cooked under unhygenic method. 2. If the sub-standard/adulterated materials are used for cooking. 3. If the food is prepared out of Stale material, fully knowing the consequences out of it. 4. The food should be served on a equal basis to everyone, irrespective of their importance. No separate type of food should be served to guests according to their status. 5. Food & Materials used for cooking should not be allowed to rot or decay; should not be wasted too in a lethargic or intentional manner. If a Person who work as a Cook w...


The Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham affects the farmers too. Let us see the reason behind these types of Pitra Dosha. The Lands are given by the God to all living creature in these world. The Farmers are considered to be supreme because they are instrumental in feeding the billions of the peoples around the World. Hence the Farmers do not get affected by the Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham in general: but sometimes they get affected too. 1. Anyone converting a farmland into a wasteland. 2. Anyone keeping their farmlands idle for a very longer period. 3. Anyone instrumental in converting a farmland into a commercial land to gain monetarily. 4. Anyone blocking the free passage of Water meant for other Farmers to use. These type of Peoples, whether they do farming or own a farmland gets affected by the curse of Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham.


As earlier pointed out, the Medical Profession has been considered as Noble Jobs. Hence there are rules & regulation surrounds this Medical Profession. Let us see the ethical & moral code of conduct defined by the Vedas. 1. The quality of service should not be weighed against the quantum of money involved. 2. Lethargic attitude which leads to the loss of limbs or lives. 3. Motivated killing or allowing a person to die for want of proper Medicinal care. 4. Performing abortion to gain monetarily. 5. Unethical treatment for promoting self interest. Here Medical Professionals includes Doctors and all type of Para Medics. If a Medical Professional indulges in this type of unethical method, he will earn enormous amount of Money along with huge Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham. He/She will bequeath not only his/her property, but also the curses in the form of Pithru Dosham or Pitra Dosha to their future generations.


Bribes not only brings in Money & Wealth; but alongside it brings the Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham, which directly attacks the offsprings of the person, who had received the Bribe. Let us see the reason for Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham enveloping a person, who get Bribes. Bribes are given for an exchange of illegal, immoral or illegitimate favours. That is, by getting bribes the Person becomes an active partner in those immoral issues committed or initiated by someone else. It is like paying and arranging for bombing of one's own citadel. Let us see the reason for the Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham. 1. Illegitimate favours (For Bribes) could have robbed of somebody's rightful share on a property/claims. 2. It could have destroyed an individual person's future or a fabric of a unknown family. 3. By committing illegal favours, the person (Who get bribes) wilfully & wrongfully gives his/her personal assurances to the illegal activities committed by someone els...