One of the major cause for Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham is aborting a pregnancy. When a Soul decides to take a rebirth, it comes alive inside the womb of a women. In detail, the women carries a foetus, which is biologically alive. There are millions of living microbes, creatures in the world with different physical structures and chemical organisms. We consider these as living organisms, which are all part of this World. Similar way, the foetus in the womb of a woman is also a living man/woman in a different form. By destroying a foetus inside the womb is equivalent to murdering a man/woman. Also our Vedas clearly teach us that killing a person who is not equal or incapable of defending himself would bring harsher punishment. For example, in those days even during the wars, the soliders fight with another soldier of equivalent strength only. A Soldier on horse never fights with a soldier on foot. Here killing is committed on a living foetus, incapable of defending hi...