The Astrology is part of the Hindu Vedic teachings. Here the Astrology means analyzing the future through Horoscope Readings, based on the birth time of a Person. Astrology does not cover the prediction through various other methods. People and Media often confuse and call everyone as Astrologers. An Astrologer is the one, who can able to predict it through Horoscope Readings.
Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham gets afflicted on the Astrologers, who do not follow the rule of the game. Let us see the reason for it.
1. Predicting without proper knowledge.
2. Accuracy of Prediction should not be based on the Money offered by the peoples.
3. Astrologers should not use the Horoscope Readings for personal gains.
4. Astrologers should not misdirect or misguide the People through false promises or by creating a fear Psychosis.
5. Astrologers should treat everyone as equal irrespective of their differences.
If an Astrologer misuses his knowledge and works for his/her personal gains, then Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham would befall on them.
Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham gets afflicted on the Astrologers, who do not follow the rule of the game. Let us see the reason for it.
1. Predicting without proper knowledge.
2. Accuracy of Prediction should not be based on the Money offered by the peoples.
3. Astrologers should not use the Horoscope Readings for personal gains.
4. Astrologers should not misdirect or misguide the People through false promises or by creating a fear Psychosis.
5. Astrologers should treat everyone as equal irrespective of their differences.
If an Astrologer misuses his knowledge and works for his/her personal gains, then Pitra Dosha or Pithru Dosham would befall on them.
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